Proven studies on the effectiveness of cold applications

Summary study cryosauna

  1. Papenfuß: „Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Erforschung und Nutzung von Ganzkörperkälteanwendungen“, 

Research Findings:A selective literature review on various uses of cryosauna, 

Prof. Dr. Winfried Papenfuß on whole-body cryotherapy

Medical studies whole body cryotherapy

Various studies on a wide range of diseases have been conducted worldwide. However, many areas are still unexplored. Here are some study results in the field of medicine:

  • „Serial whole-body criostream cold therapy for inflammatory rheumatic diseases.“
    Research results: Decrease of proinflammatory parameters a.o. TNF- A, improvement of pain in arthritis psoriatica rheumatica, spondylitis; physicotherapeutic useful;study on rheumatism, pain, Prof. Dr. Lange.
  • „Whole Body Cryotherapy in Patients with Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases“
    research resultsPain relief even in long-term; thus, better mobility and exercise possible;study on rheumatism, pain; Braun
    Research findingsDecrease in
    inflammatory parameters (CRP),
    symptoms in ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia;study on rheumatism, pain, Dr. KARGUS
  • „Reduction of
    drug consumption after whole-body cold therapy“
    Research results Reduction of NSAIDs and cortisone possible in pain patients and rheumatism patients Study on medication reduction in chron. Pain, Prof. Dr. Papenfuß
  • „Whole-BodyCryotherapy in Atopic Dermatitis“
    research resultsItching, inflammation regressed, cortisone could be reduced;
    skin disease study
  • „Cryotherapy inosteoporosis“
    Research findingsCryotherapy useful for prophylaxis and treatment of osteoporosis;study on osteoporosis.
  • „TheImportance of Whole-Body Cold Therapy in the Context of
    Rehabilitation in Patients with Rheumatic Diseases“
    research-resultsPain significantly decreased during 4-week treatment;study on rheumatism, pain; Déborah Metzger.
  • „Analgesic Effects of Natural Sulfur Baths and Cold Chamber Exposures in Fibromyalgia
    Research ResultsAnalgesic
    effects of whole-body cold therapy
    also in fibromyalgia; study of pain, fibromyalgia; Gutenbrunner
    Research Findings Regressive pain; study of pain, fibromyalgia;Gutenbrunner.
  • „Effectof frequent WBC treatments on the back pain therapy in elderly men“
    research-resultsBack pain declines with near daily whole body cold therapy;study on pain, back pain; Giemza.
  • „Analgesic effect of whole-body cryotherapy“
    Research results Cryosauna useful as part of pain therapy; study on pain, pain therapy.
  • „an Whole-Body Cryotherapy with Subsequent Kinesiotherapy Procedures in ClosedType Cryogenic Chamber Improve
    BASDAI, BASFI, and Some Spine Mobility Parameters and Decrease Pain Intensity in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis?“
    Research Findings: Increasing mobility and decreasing pain;study on pain, pain management; Stanek.
  • Kaminska-Staruch A, Olszewski J: „Evaluation of effectiveness of whole-body cryo-therapy in patients with tinnitus.“ Research findings: Cryosauna
    may improve tinnitus
    study tinnitus cryosauna
  • LubowskaA, Szygula Z, klimek
    A J, Masafumi T: Do
    sessions of cryostimulation have
    influence on white blood cell count, level of IL 6 and total oxidative and anti-oxidative status in healthy men?“
    Research findings: Cryosauna strengthens immune systemstudy immune system strengthening cryosauna
  • MillerE: Effects of the whole-body cryotherapy on a total antioxidant
    status and activities of some antioxidant enzymes in blood of patients with multiple sclerosis-preliminary study

    Research findingsAntioxidant effects; useful as an additional short-term adjunctive therapy in MSMultiple sclerosis.

Studies Whole Body Cold Therapy In Competitive Sports

  • Poppendieck: „Cooling and performance recovery of trained athletes: ameta-analytical review“
    Research findingsCooling after exertion has such good effects that it can have a positive impact in competitions;study for athletes, sports, recovery, performance enhancement.
    Research resultsImprovement of recovery periods; less pain and swelling; harder training possible;study on sport, regeneration, training intensity.
  • Ksiezopolska-Pietrzak K.: „Cryotherapy inosteoporosis“
    Research resultsRapid improvement of swelling
    and limitations of
    study of osteoporosis, mobility.
  • Ferreira-Junior: „Could whole-body cryotherapy (below -100°C)
    improve muscle recovery from muscle damage?“
    Research findings: Inflammatory response weaker in short term after exercise; possible long-term effect as well;muscle recovery study,
    inflammatory response
  • Sutkowy: „Physical Exercise Combined with
    Whole-Body Cryotherapy in Evaluating
    the Level
    of Lipid Peroxidation Products and Other Oxidant Stress Indicators in Kayakers“
    research findingsTraining combined with ice sauna improves
    performance and potential training intensity (tested on Polish national kayak team); study on performance enhancement of athletes
  • Celestyna Mila-Kierzenkowska: „The Effect of Submaximal Exercise Preceded by Single Whole- Body Cryotherapy on the Markers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Blood of Volleyball Players,“
    research-resultsAnti-Inflammatory Effect;Athletic Training Study, Inflammation.
    • JamesSelfe: „The Effect of Three
      Different (-135°C) Whole Body
      Cryotherapy Exposure Durations on Elite Rugby League Players“
      Research results: after 2 minute ice sauna session showed positive effects in oxygenation, regeneration;performance enhancement study/length of ice sauna session.
    • Sy Ma: „Effects of whole-body cryotherapy in the management of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder (Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013).“
      Research findings: Improvement of ROM in adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder with cryotherapy;
      capsulitis study,
      shoulder, mobility
      Research Findings
      Hemolysis is reduced by cold therapy. Study on hemolysis
    • „Banffi: Whole-Body Cryotherapy inAthletes“
      Inflammatory substances are reduced. Positive effects on muscle enzymes creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase;
      overall, however, there are no laboratory changes that indicate dopingStudy on lactate
    • Banffi: „Effects of the whole-body cryotherapy on NTproBNP, hsCRP and troponin I in athletes“
      research-resultsIce sauna has no negative effect on cardiac muscleStudy on cardiac mucosa.
    • Pournot H: „Time-Course of Changes in Inflammatory Response after Whole-Body Cryotherapy Multi Exposures following
      Severe Exercise“
      research findings
      Anti-inflammatory increase and inflammatory decrease by cold therapy). study inflammation sport cryosauna
    • Winfried Joch: „Precooling as a means of performance control in training and competition“
      Research results Positive effects have been demonstrated for different load ranges, – at high intensities (anaerobic energy provision: athletics), – at loads of 85% of the individual maximum heart rate, i.e. a medium load, – at loads in the GA-1 range (aerobic energy provision: rowing). StudyPerformance aerobic anaerobic Sport Cryosauna
    • WinfriedJoch (project leader),
      Sandra Ückert, Reinhard Fricke:
      „The importance of short-term and
      high-dose cold application for the realization of athletic performance“,
      Research results:performance-enhancing, endurance sports,

      sports cryosauna
    • Klimek AT, Lubkowska A, Szygula Z, Chudecka M, Fraczek B: „Influence of the ten sessions of the whole body cryostimulation on
      aerobic and anaerobic capacity“
      Research results
      Anaerobic capacity is increased, strength and speedstudy performance sports cryosauna
    • Cryotherapy in the cold chamber against pain and inflammation

Do you have any questions about the cold chamber?

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Medical disclaimer
Due to relevant legal regulations, we as providers of innovative cosmetic procedures are required to exclude any promise of success associated with their application. The effects and results described in the areas of treatments and procedures may not yet have been sufficiently scientifically proven. Every treatment result also depends to a not inconsiderable degree on your lifestyle and your individual constitution. However, please refer to the testimonials for information on the opinions of third parties regarding our services, or let yourself be convinced by your own treatment results, which are always carefully documented. Basically, none of our products should give the impression that they are based on a healing promise on our part. Nor can it be inferred from the statements that a relief or an improvement of the disease state is guaranteed or promised. The diagnosis and therapy of diseases and other physical disorders requires treatment by physicians or alternative practitioners. The information on these pages is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. The risk associated with an incorrect diagnosis or treatment can only be reduced by the involvement of a medical doctor or therapist. As far as on our Internet pages an application, dosage or a certain, possibly against our intentions, medical or nutritional therapeutic procedure is mentioned, no guarantee can be assumed. Each patient is required to determine by careful examination and, if necessary, after consulting a specialist, whether the recommendations and guidelines given are applicable in the specific case. Any dosage, application or therapy is at the patient's own risk. We dissociate ourselves from any healing statements or promises. All statements are to be understood in the sense of the Drug Advertising Law. Please contact us if you have any individual questions or consult a doctor or alternative practitioner.
